======================================= Send & Receive Encrypted Email OpenPGP ======================================= 0. Each Public/Private key pair is assocated with only one email address. 1. Key pairs can be imported or generated new. 2. Public keys can be shared and published online for others to find and import. 3. You can change the expiry settings of your key pair at any time including never expire. 4. Send someone an email with your public key attached and they can use it to send you an encrypted email. 5. You can send someone an encrypted email only after you import their public key. 6. When using multiple devices I recommended that you generate one key pair for your email address and import it to your other devices and apps. ======================================= Thunderbird --------------------------------------- # Create your keys # You can optionally publish your public key to "https://keys.openpgp.org" and you will receive a confirmation email. Edit > Account Settings > email_account > End-To-End Encryption # To import and export keys. Tools > OpenPGP Key Manager ======================================= Android K-9 + OpenKeychain --------------------------------------- # Install OpenKeychange from F-droid # To import and export keys. K-9: Settings > email_account > End-to-end encryption ======================================= RoundCube + Firefox + Mailvelope --------------------------------------- # Install the Firefox extension Mailvelope # It is mandatory to sync (publish) your public key to the Mailvelope key server "https://keys.mailvelope.com" and you will receive a confirmation email. # To import and export keys. Firefox: Extensions > Mailvelope ======================================= Proton mail --------------------------------------- # Shared link to download a public key for an email address https://mail-api.proton.me/pks/lookup?op=get&search=user.email@protonmail.com ======================================= References --------------------------------------- https://www.openpgp.org/software/ https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/digitally-signing-and-encrypting-messages https://k9mail.app/ https://www.openkeychain.org/ https://mailvelope.com/en/help https://proton.me/support/how-to-use-pgp https://proton.me/support/download-public-private-key ======================================= done =======================================