======================================= freebsd zfs and pw user --------------------------------------- # adding a user zfs create zroot/usr/home/USERNAME pw groupadd -g USERID -n USERNAME # add -G wheel to allow the user to su to root if needed pw useradd -n USERNAME -c "REALNAME" -g USERNAME -s /bin/sh -u USERID -m mkdir /home/USERNAME/.ssh chmod 0700 /home/USERNAME chmod 0700 /home/USERNAME/.ssh chown -R USERNAME:USERNAME /home/USERNAME # to allow ssh access, append the user public key to /home/USERNAME/.ssh/authorized_keys # to deny console login, never set a local user password (ie passwd USERNAME) # if a local user password is not set then it will require root to set one # deleting a user pw userdel -n USERNAME pw groupdel -n USERNAME zfs destroy -r zroot/usr/home/USERNAME find / -uid USERID -ls find / -gid USERID -ls