
FreeBSD Machines, VMs, And VNET Jails

The Ultimate Total Disaster Recovery Solution

0 A True Total Disaster Recovery Solution That Works!

This is an AI recipe demonstrating how to move FreeBSD back and forth between hardware and virtual machines and jails by eliminating as many self inflicted restrictions as possible. The word jail will refer to VNET jail throughout. There is a plethora of reasons why having the freedom to move between newer or older hardware or virtual machines or jails is of great value, the least of which enables total disaster recovery solutions that actually work.

Hardware and virtual machines are both quite different than jails. Many things could make the system fail when it is moved back and forth between them, however, this recipe will go over how to do it successfully.

The end result of this study should at least make you aware that if your production environment is not running FreeBSD on ZFS you should seriously make the transition as soon as possible.

1 Prerequisites

A hardware or virtual machine. A FreeBSD installer. It will be assumed that you have computer and network skills and essential *nix skills to understand the concepts and the process. You should also be able to operate a *nix command line text editor of your choice. You are encouraged to read up on FreeBSD and ZFS to understand anything that is not explained.

2 Create A FreeBSD Machine

2.1 Download and Install FreeBSD

Download and install the previous version of FreeBSD so you can follow along and perform a system update and bring it to the latest release later in a jail. We shall name it rover. It can be a hardware or virtual machine. This initial FreeBSD installation will be moved everywhere.

It is very good practice keep the os on a dedicated zpool and use a separate zpool for data storage, however, to simplify this recipe we will just use zroot. Keep this in mind for your live production systems as this recipe focuses solely on zroot.


2.2 ZFS Configuration

The best disaster recovery partition scheme to select in the ZFS configuration dialog should be one that provides the most flexibility to maintain bootability when recovering to older and newer hardware.

As a side note, whenever you install onto hardware with multiple disks, make sure you mirror the swap.

Partition Scheme     GPT (BIOS+UEFI)
2.3 ZFS Properties

After the installation is complete, check the ZFS mountpoint and canmount properties and save them for future reference.

zfs get -r -t filesystem mountpoint

NAME                PROPERTY    VALUE       SOURCE
zroot               mountpoint  /zroot      local
zroot/ROOT          mountpoint  none        local
zroot/ROOT/default  mountpoint  /           local
zroot/tmp           mountpoint  /tmp        local
zroot/usr           mountpoint  /usr        local
zroot/usr/home      mountpoint  /usr/home   inherited from zroot/usr
zroot/usr/ports     mountpoint  /usr/ports  inherited from zroot/usr
zroot/usr/src       mountpoint  /usr/src    inherited from zroot/usr
zroot/var           mountpoint  /var        local
zroot/var/audit     mountpoint  /var/audit  inherited from zroot/var
zroot/var/crash     mountpoint  /var/crash  inherited from zroot/var
zroot/var/log       mountpoint  /var/log    inherited from zroot/var
zroot/var/mail      mountpoint  /var/mail   inherited from zroot/var
zroot/var/tmp       mountpoint  /var/tmp    inherited from zroot/var

zfs get -r -t filesystem canmount

zroot               canmount  on      default
zroot/ROOT          canmount  on      default
zroot/ROOT/default  canmount  noauto  local
zroot/tmp           canmount  on      default
zroot/usr           canmount  off     local
zroot/usr/home      canmount  on      default
zroot/usr/ports     canmount  on      default
zroot/usr/src       canmount  on      default
zroot/var           canmount  off     local
zroot/var/audit     canmount  on      default
zroot/var/crash     canmount  on      default
zroot/var/log       canmount  on      default
zroot/var/mail      canmount  on      default
zroot/var/tmp       canmount  on      default

3 Backup A FreeBSD Machine

3.1 Take A Snapshot

Feel free to take as many selfies as you like at any time you like or especially after a change has been performed. Name them appropriately.

zfs snapshot -r zroot@01

3.2 Make A Backup

Save a full send of the latest snapshot. It can be saved on the host, however it should really be saved to a safe remote (or removable) storage location.

zfs send -R zroot@01 > /export/backup/rover_zroot_01.capR

4 Moving A FreeBSD Machine To A Jail

A jail can be created in a hardware or virtual machine.

4.1 Virtual Machines Hosting Jails

This section only applies to jails hosted in a virtual machine. A jail hosted in a virtual machine will require promiscuous mode enabled on the virtual switch for the network to function properly.

4.1.1 VirtualBox Promiscuous Mode

Here is an example of how to enable promiscuous mode on the network adapter in VirtualBox.

vboxmanage modifyvm rover --nictype1 virtio --nic1 bridged --bridgeadapter1 igb0 --nicpromisc1 allow-all

4.1.2 VMWare Promiscuous Mode

Here is an example of how to enable promiscuous mode on the network adapter in VMWare by adding this line to the .vmx file of the virtual machine.

ethernet0.noPromisc = "FALSE"

4.2 Create ZFS Jail Root

Prepare the ZFS dataset structure on the host where the jail will live. The jail path will be /jail/rover/root.

zfs create -o mountpoint=/jail zroot/jail
zfs create zroot/jail/rover
zfs create -o canmount=off zroot/jail/rover/root
zfs create zroot/jail/rover/disk
zfs create zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot

4.3 Receive ZFS Backup Datasets

The datasets from ZFS receive should not be mounted until some inspections and changes are made.

zfs recv -F -u zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot < /export/backup/rover_zroot_01.capR

Check the mountpoint and canmount properties and look for datasets marked received. These will need to be adjusted.

zfs get -r -t filesystem mountpoint zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot

NAME                                      PROPERTY    VALUE       SOURCE
zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot               mountpoint  /zroot      received
zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/ROOT          mountpoint  none        received
zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/ROOT/default  mountpoint  /           received
zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/tmp           mountpoint  /tmp        received
zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/usr           mountpoint  /usr        received
zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/usr/home      mountpoint  /usr/home   inherited from zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/usr
zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/usr/ports     mountpoint  /usr/ports  inherited from zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/usr
zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/usr/src       mountpoint  /usr/src    inherited from zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/usr
zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/var           mountpoint  /var        received
zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/var/audit     mountpoint  /var/audit  inherited from zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/var
zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/var/crash     mountpoint  /var/crash  inherited from zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/var
zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/var/log       mountpoint  /var/log    inherited from zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/var
zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/var/mail      mountpoint  /var/mail   inherited from zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/var
zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/var/tmp       mountpoint  /var/tmp    inherited from zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/var

zfs get -r -t filesystem canmount zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot

NAME                                      PROPERTY  VALUE   SOURCE
zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot               canmount  on      default
zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/ROOT          canmount  on      default
zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/ROOT/default  canmount  noauto  received
zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/tmp           canmount  on      default
zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/usr           canmount  off     received
zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/usr/home      canmount  on      default
zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/usr/ports     canmount  on      default
zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/usr/src       canmount  on      default
zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/var           canmount  off     received
zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/var/audit     canmount  on      default
zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/var/crash     canmount  on      default
zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/var/log       canmount  on      default
zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/var/mail      canmount  on      default
zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/var/tmp       canmount  on      default
4.4 Adjust The ZFS Datasets

The mountpoint and canmount properties have to be adjusted for the jail. Basically the datasets marked received need to have their mountpoints changed from root / to the root of the jail path /jail/rover/root.

zfs set mountpoint=/jail/rover/root zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/ROOT/default
zfs set mountpoint=/jail/rover/root/zroot zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot
zfs set mountpoint=/jail/rover/root/tmp zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/tmp
zfs set mountpoint=/jail/rover/root/usr zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/usr
zfs set mountpoint=/jail/rover/root/var zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/var
zfs set canmount=on zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/ROOT/default

Some received datasets already have the correct value. We can clear them by updating them with the same value.

zfs set mountpoint=none zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/ROOT
zfs set canmount=off zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/usr
zfs set canmount=off zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/var

Check the results after making changes.

zfs get -r -t filesystem mountpoint zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot

NAME                                      PROPERTY    VALUE                       SOURCE
zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot               mountpoint  /jail/rover/root/zroot      local
zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/ROOT          mountpoint  none                        local
zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/ROOT/default  mountpoint  /jail/rover/root            local
zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/tmp           mountpoint  /jail/rover/root/tmp        local
zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/usr           mountpoint  /jail/rover/root/usr        local
zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/usr/home      mountpoint  /jail/rover/root/usr/home   inherited from zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/usr
zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/usr/ports     mountpoint  /jail/rover/root/usr/ports  inherited from zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/usr
zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/usr/src       mountpoint  /jail/rover/root/usr/src    inherited from zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/usr
zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/var           mountpoint  /jail/rover/root/var        local
zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/var/audit     mountpoint  /jail/rover/root/var/audit  inherited from zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/var
zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/var/crash     mountpoint  /jail/rover/root/var/crash  inherited from zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/var
zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/var/log       mountpoint  /jail/rover/root/var/log    inherited from zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/var
zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/var/mail      mountpoint  /jail/rover/root/var/mail   inherited from zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/var
zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/var/tmp       mountpoint  /jail/rover/root/var/tmp    inherited from zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/var

zfs get -r -t filesystem canmount zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot

NAME                                      PROPERTY  VALUE  SOURCE
zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot               canmount  on     default
zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/ROOT          canmount  on     default
zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/ROOT/default  canmount  on     local
zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/tmp           canmount  on     default
zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/usr           canmount  off    local
zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/usr/home      canmount  on     default
zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/usr/ports     canmount  on     default
zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/usr/src       canmount  on     default
zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/var           canmount  off    local
zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/var/audit     canmount  on     default
zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/var/crash     canmount  on     default
zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/var/log       canmount  on     default
zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/var/mail      canmount  on     default
zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/var/tmp       canmount  on     default

Give everything another glance after they are mounted to make sure everything is correct and not mounted over top of one another.

You will see how nicely the jail properties mimic the host.

zfs mount -a
zfs list -o name,canmount,mounted,mountpoint

NAME                                      CANMOUNT  MOUNTED  MOUNTPOINT
zroot/jail                                on        yes      /jail
zroot/jail/rover                          on        yes      /jail/rover
zroot/jail/rover/disk                     on        yes      /jail/rover/disk
zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot               on        yes      /jail/rover/root/zroot
zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/ROOT          on        no       none
zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/ROOT/default  on        yes      /jail/rover/root
zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/tmp           on        yes      /jail/rover/root/tmp
zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/usr           off       no       /jail/rover/root/usr
zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/usr/home      on        yes      /jail/rover/root/usr/home
zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/usr/ports     on        yes      /jail/rover/root/usr/ports
zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/usr/src       on        yes      /jail/rover/root/usr/src
zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/var           off       no       /jail/rover/root/var
zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/var/audit     on        yes      /jail/rover/root/var/audit
zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/var/crash     on        yes      /jail/rover/root/var/crash
zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/var/log       on        yes      /jail/rover/root/var/log
zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/var/mail      on        yes      /jail/rover/root/var/mail
zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot/var/tmp       on        yes      /jail/rover/root/var/tmp
zroot/jail/rover/root                     off       no       /jail/rover/root
zroot                                     on        yes      /zroot
zroot/ROOT                                on        no       none
zroot/ROOT/default                        noauto    yes      /
zroot/tmp                                 on        yes      /tmp
zroot/usr                                 off       no       /usr
zroot/usr/home                            on        yes      /usr/home
zroot/usr/ports                           on        yes      /usr/ports
zroot/usr/src                             on        yes      /usr/src
zroot/var                                 off       no       /var
zroot/var/audit                           on        yes      /var/audit
zroot/var/crash                           on        yes      /var/crash
zroot/var/log                             on        yes      /var/log
zroot/var/mail                            on        yes      /var/mail
zroot/var/tmp                             on        yes      /var/tmp
4.5 Adjust The Jail Startups

The jail will no longer use the machine network interface so update /jail/rover/root/etc/rc.conf to use side b of the jail epair.

ifconfig_epair0b="inet 192.168.x.x netmask"
4.6 Create A VNET Jail

The host machine should be adequately equipped to accommodate a jail.

4.6.1 Startup Configuration

Add these lines to the host /etc/rc.conf to enable jails, define the bridge, and bring up side a of the epair.

cloned_interfaces="bridge0 epair0"
ifconfig_bridge0="addm igb0 addm epair0a"
4.6.2 Jail Configuration

Configure the vnet jail to use side b of the epair and take notice of the path to the jail root. Add these lines to /etc/jail.conf.

exec.start = "/bin/sh /etc/rc";
exec.stop = "/bin/sh /etc/rc.shutdown";
path = "/jail/${name}/root";
exec.consolelog = "/var/log/jail_${name}.log";

rover {
    vnet.interface = "epair0b";
4.7 Start The Jail

After a restart of some services the jail can be started.

service devfs restart
service netif restart
service routing restart
service jail start

5 Backup A FreeBSD Jail

5.1 Take A Snapshot Of The Whole Machine

All ZFS work is performed from the host as usual.

zfs snapshot -r zroot@02

5.2 Make A Backup Of The Jail

The snapshot of the jail zroot dataset is the one we need to backup.

zfs send -R zroot/jail/rover/disk/zroot@02 > /export/backup/rover_zroot_02.capR

6 Moving A FreeBSD Jail To A Machine

Configure a (hardware or virtual) machine that is adequately equipped.

6.1 Install FreeBSD

Boot a FreeBSD installer and select <Install> as if you were installing a brand new system. Use the installer to set up the zpool. I found this to be the fastest and simplest way to set up the disks. When the installation is finished we will essentially be receiving the backup directly into the zroot datasets that were just created with the installer.

6.2 Receive ZFS Backup Datasets

Boot the FreeBSD installer again and select <Shell>. Import zroot to a temporary altroot and configure networking to retrieve the backup .capR from nfs storage.

ifconfig igb0 192.168.x.x netmask up
route add default 192.168.x.y
mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /mnt
mkdir /mnt/zroot
mkdir /mnt/backup
mount 192.168.x.z:/backup /mnt/backup
zpool import -N zroot -R /mnt/zroot
zfs recv -F -u zroot < /mnt/backup/rover_zroot_02.capR

Check the mountpoint and canmount properties and look for datasets marked received. These will need to be adjusted.

zfs get -r -t filesystem mountpoint zroot

NAME                PROPERTY    VALUE                             SOURCE
zroot               mountpoint  /mnt/zroot/jail/rover/root/zroot  received
zroot/ROOT          mountpoint  none                              local
zroot/ROOT/default  mountpoint  /mnt/zroot                        local
zroot/tmp           mountpoint  /mnt/zroot/tmp                    local
zroot/usr           mountpoint  /mnt/zroot/usr                    local
zroot/usr/home      mountpoint  /mnt/zroot/usr/home               inherited from zroot/usr
zroot/usr/ports     mountpoint  /mnt/zroot/usr/ports              inherited from zroot/usr
zroot/usr/src       mountpoint  /mnt/zroot/usr/src                inherited from zroot/usr
zroot/var           mountpoint  /mnt/zroot/var                    local
zroot/var/audit     mountpoint  /mnt/zroot/var/audit              inherited from zroot/var
zroot/var/crash     mountpoint  /mnt/zroot/var/crash              inherited from zroot/var
zroot/var/log       mountpoint  /mnt/zroot/var/log                inherited from zroot/var
zroot/var/mail      mountpoint  /mnt/zroot/var/mail               inherited from zroot/var
zroot/var/tmp       mountpoint  /mnt/zroot/var/tmp                inherited from zroot/var

zfs get -r -t filesystem canmount zroot

zroot               canmount  on      default
zroot/ROOT          canmount  on      default
zroot/ROOT/default  canmount  noauto  local
zroot/tmp           canmount  on      default
zroot/usr           canmount  off     local
zroot/usr/home      canmount  on      default
zroot/usr/ports     canmount  on      default
zroot/usr/src       canmount  on      default
zroot/var           canmount  off     local
zroot/var/audit     canmount  on      default
zroot/var/crash     canmount  on      default
zroot/var/log       canmount  on      default
zroot/var/mail      canmount  on      default
zroot/var/tmp       canmount  on      default
6.3 Adjust The ZFS Datasets

The mountpoints that point to the root of the jail /jail/rover/root will have to be changed to point to the real root /. Of course we are using a temporary mount point which prefixes /mnt to all the displayed values so that part can safely be ignored. Good news, there is only one received dataset to adjust.

zfs set mountpoint=/zroot zroot

6.4 Adjust The Machine Startups

The machine will no longer use the jail epair network interface so we will mount zroot/ROOT/default to access and update /etc/rc.conf which will be located at /mnt/zroot/etc/rc.conf.

zfs mount zroot/ROOT/default

ifconfig_igb0="inet 192.168.x.x netmask"
6.5 Boot The Machine

Remove the installation media and reboot.

shutdown -r now

7 Upgrading FreeBSD Machines And Jails

All upgrade work is performed from the host machine.

7.1 Installed FreeBSD Version

7.1.1 Check The Host

freebsd-version -kruj rover

7.1.2 Check The Jail

jexec rover freebsd-version -kru

7.2 Upgrade The Host Machine First

The FreeBSD version on the host machine cannot be less than the FreeBSD version of a jail, therefore the host must be upgraded first.

7.2.1 Upgrade To Patch Release

Repeat these next steps until there are no more patch release updates for the current release.

freebsd-update fetch
freebsd-update install
shutdown -r now

freebsd-version -kruj rover
jexec rover freebsd-version -kru

7.2.2 Upgrade To Major Or Minor Point Release

Upgrade to a major or minor point release.

freebsd-update upgrade -r 13.2-RELEASE

freebsd-update install
shutdown -r now

freebsd-update install
shutdown -r now

freebsd-version -kruj rover
jexec rover freebsd-version -kru

7.2.3 Reinstall Packages After Major Release Upgrade

It is required to reinstall all packages after a major release upgrade.

pkg-static upgrade -f
shutdown -r now

7.3 Upgrade The Jail Last

Again, the FreeBSD version on the host machine cannot be less than the FreeBSD version of a jail.

7.3.1 Upgrade To Patch Release

Repeat the next steps until there are no more patch release updates for the current release.

freebsd-update -j rover fetch
freebsd-update -j rover install
service jail stop rover
jls -d | grep rover
service jail start rover

freebsd-version -kruj rover
jexec rover freebsd-version -kru

7.3.2 Upgrade To Major Or Minor Point Release

Upgrade to a major or minor point release.

freebsd-update -j rover upgrade -r 13.2-RELEASE

freebsd-update -j rover install
service jail stop rover
jls -d | grep rover
service jail start rover

freebsd-update -j rover install
service jail stop rover
jls -d | grep rover
service jail start rover

freebsd-version -kruj rover
jexec rover freebsd-version -kru

7.3.3 Reinstall Packages After Major Release Upgrade

It is required to reinstall all packages after a major release upgrade.

pkg -j rover upgrade -f
service jail stop rover
jls -d | grep rover
service jail start rover

8 Disaster Recovery

This AI recipe is based on taking advantage of ZFS tools like snapshots, send, and receive. If you have ZFS dataset backups you should be confident that they can be restored anywhere. Full backups can be quite large so combining them with incrementals can save lots of time when backing them up and restoring them. The following is a simple example.

8.1 Backup

You are only as good as your last backup. The backup process could be scripted and run as a cron job.

8.1.1 Take Snapshots

Recursive snapshots are the way to go. Here they are named after the day they were taken.

zfs snapshot -r zroot@29
zfs snapshot -r zroot@30
zfs snapshot -r zroot@31
zfs snapshot -r zroot@01
zfs snapshot -r zroot@02
zfs snapshot -r zroot@03
zfs snapshot -r zroot@04
zfs snapshot -r zroot@05

8.1.2 Full Backup

A full send will include everything up to the moment the snapshot was taken. Here we do a full send on the first day of the month and store them somewhere on another machine or device.

zfs send -R zroot@01 > /export/backup/rover_zroot_01.capR

8.1.3 Incremental Backup

An incremental send will include everything between two snapshots. Here we do an incremental send on all the other days of the month and store them somewhere on another machine or device.

zfs send -R -I zroot@01 zroot@02 > /export/backup/rover_zroot_01_02.capI
zfs send -R -I zroot@02 zroot@03 > /export/backup/rover_zroot_02_03.capI
zfs send -R -I zroot@02 zroot@03 > /export/backup/rover_zroot_03_04.capI
zfs send -R -I zroot@03 zroot@04 > /export/backup/rover_zroot_04_05.capI

8.2 Restore

Receive the latest full backup first and then the incrementals that followed. It is good to receive them unmounted so their mountpoints and other settings can be verified prior to mounting. Remember to check the mountpoint and canmount properties and look for datasets marked received and make adjustments if needed.

zfs recv -F -u zroot < /export/backup/rover_zroot_01.capR
zfs recv -F -u zroot < /export/backup/rover_zroot_01_02.capI
zfs recv -F -u zroot < /export/backup/rover_zroot_02_03.capI
zfs recv -F -u zroot < /export/backup/rover_zroot_03_04.capI
zfs recv -F -u zroot < /export/backup/rover_zroot_04_05.capI

9 References

Pour yourself a beverage and start reading the docs.


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